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Pilipinx-American Culture Night

Dating back from 1979, PACN also known as Pilipino American Culture Night is one of the Kababayan's biggest events representing issues that affect the Pilipinx American community. Evolving from a production that started with a cast of 19 members, Kababayan's annual cultural night has grown to influence 300 cast members about the Pilipinx American identity. Through our annual culture nights both the cast and audience are exposed to difference Pilipinx American issues, traditions, culture, and history. 


Due to the shifting nature of the Pilipinx American identity each of our cultural nights is a true unique production that reflects the experiences and hard work of every cast member of that year. Our cultural night provides a space for students to learn about their identity, their history, and their community. It also gives them a chance to further understand their role in making and remaking the Pilipinx American culture as a family.  Aside from the cast members, the community here at UCI and many other audience members that come watch our annual show, is given a chance to learn and enjoy our culture. 




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